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Getting Fit and Staying Motivated with Pinterest

Are you on Pinterest? In case you somehow managed to miss the major press this addictive site has been racking-up the basic premise of Pinterest is that it’s a visual way to collect, organize, and share your favorite online content. Each item that you add to your account is known as a “pin” and each of these pins can be easily organized into likeminded collections known as “boards.” I’ve been there since last March but it wasn’t until this past Christmas that it made the transition from occasional check-in to daily must-do. Want more info? Click here for an in-depth tutorial about getting started with Pinterest.

My pinning habits run the gamut from recipes to furnishing my imaginary beach house and even a board dedicated to all things Kate Middleton. It might sound like a silly waste of time initially but honestly until you’ve lost multiple hours of your day going down the Pinterest rabbit hole then you probably won’t understand the hype. I suggest you give it some time, connect to some of your friend’s accounts and see what shakes out. I’m willing to bet you’ll soon find yourself consulting the site the next time you need to make a grocery list, plan a dinner party, or buy a unique gift.

One of the key tenants of Pinterest is also that it serves as a source of inspiration for users. To that end BootCampSF has begun to curate their own boards on the site. If you’re a boot camper then I suspect that fitness and healthy living are important parts of your life, but finding information on these subjects can be time consuming. With Pinterest you can discover oodles of information in one place and easily pick and choose the items that interest you most for later consumption.

Of course, not all information is created equally online. While there are a lot of excellent tips posted on Pinterest you will also inevitably come across unhealthy and downright wacky images and ideas. If it sounds too good to be true it probably is and if an image makes you cringe move on to a better board.

In addition to the BootCampSF account (which is just getting started) you might also find some of the following boards and users great jumping off sources for healthy recipes, workout clothes, and even motivational quotes. Happy pinning!

If you’re already an avid pinned please let us know and leave a url to your profile and/or your own favorite fitness pinners in the comments on this post. We’d love to follow you and hear your recommendations!